D Price with fields burning behind him. After the wheat is harvested in May and June, farmers burn their fields to prepare it for either corn or beans. I took some pics of a Farm near the town of Vance, MS doing such an event Friday evening.
Jarvis andD Price went with me to the fire. We had to cross a river cause the bridge was out and only D went with me. So he got to be my model for a few shots, like the one above.
Jim Breen laughs at a story from Betty Pearson, board member of the West Tallahatchie Habitat for Humanity affiliate. Pearson was a strong advocate for the Civil Rights Movement in the South.
My mom came to visit me for the weekend and a few days. She's a big fan of Elvis Presley's so we went to Graceland. We went to see about seeing the the actual house. There's different packages seeing the heartbreak hotel with the house or two of his airplanes. The house itself cost $27. My mom said that she thought that was a bit too much. She's a fan of Elvis' but not that much. That was funny.